Every time that I do a clearing I am so moved and inspired myself that I want to clear everyone I see, whether I know them or not.  I walk down the street wanting to set up a clearing stand on the corner, in my local yoga studio , Lululemon store, coffee shop, you name it.

I want everyone to get the thoughts that are weighing them down out of their heads and to shift their attention back on the amazingness of their lives.  I want us to be floating about in joy, no matter what we may be facing.  Life isn’t perfect, but we get to choose our thoughts, speech, actions, beliefs and attitudes while it is happening.

So, I am for now taking down my fee for clearings and allowing you to donate whatever you want for this service.

To learn how to do clearings in your own life, order yourself Matthew & Terces Engelhart’s  Sacred Commerce or get yourself to one of their workshops OR bring a workshop to your town!

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