One of my fellow Domino Project members, Mario Chamorro, created an art exhibit out of a project where he asked about 2000 people to draw anything that makes them happy on a post-it.

I love this!  What an amazing gift to give, to ask people to pause and think about what makes them happy and then share it for all.  You can follow his lead!  What can you do today to remind people of joy, of gratitude, of love, of happiness?  There is so much!

Check out the Happy Post Facebook Page and share your happy post!

Happy Post SOWA Exhibition from erik angra | Cinematographer on Vimeo.

The Happy Post project is planning to collect 100.000 post-its to create a gigantic art exhibit.  As of now, they have a team of 28 volunteers in 15 different countries, and are looking for more people to help them collect happy posts.  Sounds like a happy train for you all to hop on!  Spread the happy!

P.S. Have you gotten your copy of Poke The Box, yet?

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