Is that really what you want?

  We analyze so much, too much. What does that email mean? What does it mean that they only answered with one word? What does it mean that they haven’t replied yet? What does that exclamation mark mean? And on and on and on….. So the next time you...

When in Doubt, Write it Out.

This is the mantra that popped into my head last night. This week things are feeling heavier.  I will throw some shade at it being Mercury Retrograde and that the weather is finally starting to shift here into cooler, less sunny days.  But, whatever it is, I know it...

Creating People into Being

So you get that you Make a lot of sh*t up….here is a trick for turning around what you are making up.  Create them into being.  Acknowledge them into being.  And if you haven’t watched the I Make Sh*t Up video, do it! To learn more about this idea, and so...

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