Spring has Sprung.  April is here!  Have you dipped into Spring Cleaning mode yet?  I don’t know about you, but the word cleaning, is not one that excites me.  What does excite me though, is shedding what I no longer need.  

Why do we fill our closets,  fill our homes, fill our garages, fill our cars, fill our desks, fill our heads with things that we do not need?  Things that take up space and really do not serve us at all.

How many items do you have in your closet that are simply taking up space?  They don’t fit.  They have holes in them.   They are brand new, still have tags on them, but you never wear them.  You haven’t worn them for years, but have memories attached to them.

If you are not relishing it, release it!  If you are not wearing it, give it up!

How about your junk drawers, your baskets, your office drawers?  Are they filled with items that you actually use?  How many business cards have you collected that you have no intention of using?  How many thank you cards have you received that you will never read again?  How many coupons have you collected for items you have no intention of purchasing?

If you are not relishing it, release it.  If you are not using it, toss it!

What about the thoughts that you are keeping around that are you doing you no good?  When will you quit shaming yourself?  When will you quit guilting yourself?  When will you quit shoulding yourself?  When will you stop dwelling on what already happened?

You do have the power to change your thought patterns.  You do have the power to kick out the thoughts that do not serve you. {click to tweet}  You do have the power to believe in yourself, to love yourself, to value yourself, to trust yourself.  {click to tweet}

If you are not relishing it, release it. If it doesn’t serve you, kick it to the curb!
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For each day of April, how about releasing one thing, each and every day.  Give yourself some timelines.  Set alerts in your calendar.  Trust me, it feels good to lighten your load.  Recycle it, give it to charity, sell it to consignment, sell it on ebay, trash it, but  get it out of your space.


I dare you to throw something away right now…immediately after reading this.  What is it?

PS… I learned this term from Mathew & Terces Engelhart of Cafe Gratitude.  I love to give credit, where credit is due.

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